Back in April, artist Tim Doyle offered commissions up to the public for the first time ever, and sold all 100 slots within the first day! All those paintings were done and shipped out, and since there seems to be NO END IN SIGHT to the Quarantine (especially here in Texas, wtf, Texas?!?) Doyle is opening up another 100 commissions!
Commissions will be available starting Tuesday 7/28 at 2pm Central time, in the TIM DOYLE section of the Nakatomi store HERE.

Black and White painting Iron Man or Robocop- $75 (because they are rad)
Pen and Ink Black and White drawing (no painting)- $100
Black and White Painting- $125
Color Painting- $200
This is original artwork made just for you! Get some rad art, and keep Doyle from losing his marbles in isolation! (and our bills paid, naturally.)
Delivery time will vary, but all orders should ship by early November. Early orders will ship first.

Ground Rules
-no nudity (but cheesecake is fine)
-bust/portraits only- no full figures, No backgrounds.
-characters from comics/ cartoons/ film preferred -no, he will not paint your family or friends.
-Yes, you can order multiples!
-your commission will be shared on Doyle’s Instagram feed HERE. Follow along to see what others are ordering!
Thank you all so much! Your support during this time will help Nakatomi keep the lights on, our staff paid, and the artwork coming to YOU. We’ll all get through this together! Now stay inside and wash your hands!
Commissions will be available starting Tuesday 7/28 at 2pm Central time, in the TIM DOYLE section of the Nakatomi store HERE.
If you want to see all 100 paintings done for the last batch, go HERE to our Flickr page!