Black Cat Bones Gallery in Puebla, Mexico has asked me back to be a part of their Superhero art show. I had previously created the sold-out ‘En Los Arboles’ print for their Twin Peaks tribute.
If anyone knows me, they know I love me some super-heroes. So when the opportunity came up for me to participate, I took the hidden pole down to my secret lair and banged this out (now, that just sounds dirty).
Biff, Bam, Pow- Superheroes Aren’t Just for Kids Anymore!
“Batalla en la Esquina de Ditko y Kirby” is a 13×24 4 color silkscreen print in a tiny edition of 90, and we will only have 70 for sale!
There is also a Glow in the Dark edition in a smaller run of 20.
The glow version was printed w/ a 5th layer of a transparent glow undercoat, so the whole print glows! Neat!
These prints will be on sale EARLY Monday morning on my retail site, www.NakatomiInc.com in the Tim Doyle section of the store. (You can just follow the ‘Shop’ link up top there.)
They’ll retail at $30 and $50 for the glow. These were hand-printed by Clint Wilson in our Nakatomi Print Labs (aka my bat-cave…aka my garage).
Anyone who knows me knows HOW IMPORTANT this print is to me personally!
Detail shot!
If you want, there’s a CRAZY big image of this in my flickr HERE. Just click the ‘original size’ button, and wait for a SLOW LOAD.
Okay, Monday morning, like 4am CST, this’ll go up. Either stay up late, or get up early- my last print had a larger run and sold out in 24 hours. Good luck!
-tim doyle