SXSW S.O.S. 50% off sale!
Hello Nakatomi Peoples!
As you know, SXSW cancelled on us, didn’t refund any of our money, and we lost a ton of expected sales! AAAAAAAH! So to help us out, we’re helping you out! (aren’t we great?…yes, yes we are. Thanks for noticing.)
WHEN– RIGHT NOW- Nakatomi will put almost our entire inventory on sale for HALF OFF! Sale will end on SATURDAY 3/14 at 11:59 pm!

HERE’S THE LIST of what is on sale for 50% off!
–Weird Al
–Tim Doyle and UnReal Estate
–Frank Frazetta
–Nick Derington
–Failure Gigposters
–Kings of Leon
Classic UnReal Estate prints- back for the first time in almost a decade!
We’ve also got a few classic UnReal Estate prints coming back to help out! These Springfield-Inspired prints have been gone since the original UnReal Estate show WAY back in 2012- and are now available for the Nakatomi Nation!

“742 Evergreen Terrace” Glow in the Dark “Night” (above) and “Day” (below) variants, retail at $60 and $40 respectively, JUST $30 and $20 during this sale! Pick them all up HERE.

And finally- the rarest (and smallest edition, never reprinted- until now) print in the entire UnReal Estate Springfield series- “Embiggen The Smallest Man”! Also out of print since 2012, this 16×20 print is signed by artist Tim Doyle in a new edition. Normally $40, it’s only $20 during the sale! Available HERE now!

The new prints are in production now, and all orders for those will ship by the end of March– all other orders are for in-stock items and will ship ASAP!
This sale only runs from NOW until Saturday at Midnight- so help us out in our time of need, and let us help you get some great art up on those walls!
Thank you all so much- these past 11+ years have been a dream come true, and the only way we’ve been able to make it work is because of people like YOU out there in the Nakatomi Nation supporting us and all the artists we work with!
Head on over to the Nakatomi store HERE now!
-alex fugazi