HELLO Nakatomi Peoples!
It’s been 6 months since the last Nakatomi-Wide MYSTERY TUBE SALE, and it’s time to once again tempt fate, cast caution to the wind, and DIVE BACK IN FOR THE CRAZY!
We have good number of tubes this time around- not as many as last time, but definitely a lot to go around- NOTE– we’ve never NOT sold out of a Tube Sale- so be ready!
Tubes are $50 each– Each tube will have 5 prints in it-all suitable for framing. Some are considered ‘scratch/dent’ in that there’s minor printing flaws or a ‘soft’ corner, but nothing that won’t frame out.
The quick and dirty is this- you’ll get 5 random prints from Nakatomi artists past and present, and a shot at some really great bonus prints for $50
So, what’s in the pool of awesome that you’ll have a shot at getting this time out?
We will have a print in Doyle’s 12×24 print series that will never be available on Nakatomi any other way!
Every tube ordered will get one. (There will also be a randomly inserted variant for this print…)
You are welcome to buy as many tubes as you want- you will receive a copy of one of the exclusive print in each tube. Only one tube per order– we cannot combine shipping- as we can only fit 5 prints in each tube!


We’re randomly inserting a totally awesome and unique test-sheet with orders! A test sheet is like 4 prints flying at your eyes at ONCE! Truly a byproduct of the Silk-screen process, we run screens on scrap paper as we’re working on a project, and what you get is a random collage of color building up on a sheet of paper, until we judge that it’s ‘done’ and throw it on our stack of completed sheets! There’s an awful lot of the upcoming UnReal Estate 4 screens that are in this crop, that made crazy fun images. Becky Cloonan’s recent print release with us made some really great, striking prints of the lead character’s upside-down face! I really dig those Batman test prints!
FYI- no tube will have more than ONE test sheet in it, if at all!

9 original drawings and paintings from artist Tim Doyle! Used in the production of gigposters and art prints, these original pen and ink (and some watercolor) images hand-drawn on Bristol Board!

There will be EXACTLY ONE of these- a golden ticket. And if you receive this golden ticket, artist Tim Doyle will paint for you a 12×16 watercolor portrait of a movie/ tv character your choice in his SHINY OBJECTS series. You’ll receive the original painting! You can see the other paintings in this sold-out series HERE.
If you get the ticket, give us a few weeks to get the art to you, eh?

Artist Alexander Iaccarino had us print this recent 24×36 GotG print for him, and hooked us up with one of his AP copies from the run! This is from a TINY artist edition of only 10 copies! Only one of these AP copies have sold on the open market, and it topped $500- and we’re just giving it away to one lucky customer!

Stout’s Empire Strikes Back print! We picked this puppy up from an ex-Mondo employee, and again- JUST GIVING IT AWAY.
Aftermarket value on this baby tops out at over $800…don’t say I didn’t ever give you guys nothing!
Also- did we mention- the corners…THEY ARE SHARP!

With all this awesome, your odds of striking gold are PRETTY DANG GOOD. Please note- these tubes will be blind-packed, and we have no idea what prints are in what tubes!
5 prints, $50- you can knock off gifts for 5 people all at once, letting you cruise into birthday/holiday/apocalypse season with no worries!
Get your clicky fingers ready- we’ve never had a Nakatomi tube sale NOT sell out- we’re may start a little early or late with the drop time, as we’ve had massive server issues during these high-demand drops before, and we’re trying to cut down on that. But as always- it’s going to be a slog getting through check-out once word spreads that these are up for sale. Trust us- we’ll do what we can, but it’s rarely enough.
Note- we may put some of these tubes up for sale on our eBay store page with a buy it now price of $50 to help lighten the load on our servers- keep an eye on our TWITTER account HERE for links and info at drop time.
Thank you all, and see you on TUESDAY!
DELIVERY/ SHIPPING NOTE- because the Mystery Doyle print is going to be produced AFTER this sale goes live, please give us 2 weeks to start shipping these. Thank you.